Join Unleash for an 8-week group adventure to shake off shyness, release your inhibitions and step into confident, easy expression
This programme is specifically designed for anyone who’s shy, self-conscious or socially anxious.
Perfect if you’re curious about a supportive and creative introduction to transforming your life with drama, improvisation and the power of your imagination to build your confidence.
£850 for those who can help subsidise another participant’s fee
£650 if you can pay the standard rate for yourself
£450 if you wouldn’t be able to participate at the standard rate
You can also split the fee into two payments.
You after Unleash…
You feel less self-conscious and more peaceful — like a weight’s been lifted
People notice you speaking up more, ask your opinions and acknowledge your contributions
You compare yourself to others less and know how to handle the inner critic
Your words flow with less effort or planning, you initiate more conversations and find yourself interacting with ease
You no longer watch life pass you by and worry you’re missing out
Anxiousness fades and you feel more energetic and creative
You know how to manage your nerves so they don’t send you spiralling
You feel more comfortable in social situations, and know how to support yourself through fear, discomfort and uncertainty so they no longer hold you back
“I can honestly say that the course was the beginning of a major turning point in my life which has allowed me to flourish as myself in new situations which I would never have put myself in previously.”
“Susannah held the space perfectly and everything felt really gentle and safe. She knows exactly how to interact with and guide people who are shy or lack confidence because she’s coming from a place of shared experience.”
“I was very hesitant and frightened to join, but Susannah met me with warmth, kindness and lots of laughter. She guided me through challenges and helped me understand a lot about myself, and what I can change and how… it has been a wonderful journey and potential to be life changing.”
What’s going to change?
You’ll likely:
feel lighter and less self-conscious
feel more at peace with being a quieter person
get profound relief from sharing with others who share your struggles
experience less anxiety and more enthusiasm and energy
feel more comfortable in your skin
find it easier to join in and express yourself in groups and social situations
be able to let go of your fear of judgement
speak off the cuff and spend less time planning and worrying
gain self-trust, release self-doubt and quieten the inner critic
find you have more energy and confidence to pursue your creativity
it’s different for everyone!
Restrictive systems squash us into narrow boxes and keep us stuck, silent and scared.
This is your story and your space to expand into.
After years of running groups, I know this work will give you the knowledge,
tools and practice to live a truer, freer, more gutsy life.
But discovering exactly what happens in this chapter of your story is all part of the adventure.
You’ll surprise yourself, every week, as you find the freedom and capacity
to be seen, to be heard, and to be celebrated for who you are.
I KNOW YOU HAVE so much more inside,
and I can’t wait to meet the person that is unleashed
at the end of our eight weeks together!
Here’s what we need for our Unleash adventure…
Through our weekly sessions and the additional resources and support in between, you’ll be learning a playful, powerful and permanent method for transformation.
You’ll be guided to work creatively and imaginatively to try out new, expansive ways to hold yourself, to react, to move, to speak, to be seen.
By stepping into characters’ shoes, you’ll find you can give yourself permission to behave in ways you’d never normally dare, and so start to rewire old unhelpful patterns of behaviour.
You’ll develop and shift your relationship with the inner critic so that it loses its power and sting.
You’ll build trust in yourself and the group, and receive constant encouragement that will send your confidence soaring.
We’re going way beyond mindset change and engaging body and brain, through gentle movement, nervous system support, neural rewiring and coaching the unconscious mind.
FRIENDLY FACES: Initial call before our first session, so you have an opportunity to meet, ask any questions, ease in gently.
GET GROUNDED: In the first session we make commitments to ourselves and the group. You’ll learn the framework for every 2-hour session, so you feel grounded and safe to make gutsy moves.
REWRITE YOUR STORY: As a group, you’ll work with a single story across the whole 8 weeks, using a specially adapted form of drama — this is drama as a tool for your own growth and expression, never focused on performing or putting on a show.
GET SPECIFIC: We’ll also work with a specific theme each week, including asking for help, inner critic, comparison and self-trust.
BUILD CAPACITY: Every week, you’ll be introduced to practices for nervous system support so that you’re building your capacity to handle discomfort, fear and uncertainty, as well as your capacity to dig deeper into your own specific fears and blocks.
BIG SHIFTS: You’ll explore the themes through visualisations, drama and expressive exercises to help you gain profound insights on what feels hard and why, and how to move through it.
Every week, in your small and supportive group, you’ll be gently guided through a series of exercises, each building on the last so that nothing feels like a stretch too far, and you’ll quickly be amazed at what you’re capable of. It’s not magic, but it can feel like it ✨
The details.
Unleash is an 8-week programme. Weekly group sessions are in-person in London.
You choose your price level, no questions asked:
£850 for those who can help subsidise another participant’s fee
£650 if you can pay the standard rate for yourself
£450 if you wouldn’t be able to participate at the standard rate
You can also split the fee into two payments
If you’re interested in joining Unleash, please fill in the form here to be first to know when new spots are available and grab one of the limited spaces once doors open.
Filling in the form isn’t a booking ;)
🟠 8 x weekly sessions, each 2 hours long (venue in central/east London, easily accessible on public transport)
🟠 Welcome zoom call before our first meetup — so when you first step through the door you’ll see familiar faces :)
🟠 A cosy, committed group — min. 6 / max. 12 people (and no drop-ins!)
🟠 Connection with the whole group plus optional ‘buddy’ for extra accountability and support
🟠 Weekly email prompts to help you digest and process the session; option to send your answers back to me for reflections and ideas
🟠 Weekly summaries of each session, including links and resources to explore
🟠 2 x 1:1 sessions anytime throughout the programme for personalised support — we can revisit something that’s come up for you in-session, go deep on anything you’re finding tricky, or explore bespoke tools for things like self-esteem, anxiety, or self-hypnosis for rapid change.
Book a time to talk
If you’ve got questions about your particular situation, you’re unsure if Unleash is a good fit for you, or there’s something else on your mind, let’s talk! 🧡
OK. Here’s why I believe Unleash is extra special…
(aside from the unique combo of group + 1:1 support, the very reasonable pricing, cute facilitator and general creative genius of the whole thing 😁)
The road is the destination.
You don’t have to slog through years of work or dig up your deepest pain in order to get to where you want to go.
Longing for more connection, ease, creativity and fun? They’re the bedrock of this programme.
You’ll feel hopeful and proud of yourself the second you sign up. You’ll be buzzing when you take your first step in the door. You’ll fly home from your first session. And by the end you’ll have connected with a brilliant bunch of new people who ‘get you’.
Your unconscious will still be processing everything you learn long after the end of the course, so the impacts will keep revealing themselves to you way beyond our 8 weeks together — because the end is really just the beginning ;)
Unleash isn’t just a map to guide you towards where you want to go — it’s filled with connection, play and creativity every step of the way.
So while you will be challenged, and there will be moments of discomfort and growth, you will also be immersed in this wild ride of laughter, awkwardness, expansion and adventure along with a group who understand, support and inspire you every step of the way.
Not keen on the idea of a group yet?
Rather get some focused individual support first?
Let’s make that happen.
Maybe the idea of joining Unleash feels overwhelming right now or it’s something you’d like to work up to. Or you’re just not keen on groups — full stop! If you’d like to explore working with me 1-to-1, I’d love to hear from you.
Follow the link to arrange a chat about what’s possible. (If a call feels like too much of a stretch, feel free to drop me a message here.) That first chat is free. If you decide to go ahead, sessions are £50/hr — and people tend to only need 1, 2 or 3 to start feeling bolder and making gutsy moves!
“Susannah was so welcoming and encouraging. The workshop was gentle, moving at a natural pace, never forced or overwhelming. I learnt techniques that I have used every day since and I cannot wait to sign up for further workshops to continue exploring. If I was to sum it up in one word I would say freeing.”
“The experience was both safe and stretching – with ‘lightbulb’ moments at every stage. The magic of the workshop has stayed with me many months later. I’m more present, more easily able to centre myself when I feel anxious, and more confident about the value I bring as a quieter, shyer person.”
Why am I so sure that change is possible?
I’m Susannah, founder of Gutsy — hi!
I believe in this work heart, soul and guts because I’ve felt its impact transform my own life and watched it do the same for others.
I used to be someone who’d get others to order for me in restaurants.
Phone calls made me panic.
In groups and meetings my heart would pound the instant I even thought about speaking up. I regularly went hungry because saying “no thank you” felt easier than saying “yes please”. I never went first, and usually went last. I watched from the sidelines as everyone else played in the park, swam in the lake and danced at the party. I was myself at home, but a muted version everywhere else.
I hovered and observed, like I was waiting for an invitation to my own life.
If this sounds familiar, and you’ve reached a point (like I did) where you’re sick of fear driving all your actions and decisions, instead of your dreams and desires
and you can sense there’s so much more out there, but you need support to reach it
then you’ll also know you need the right kind of support.
And that’s absolutely not rooms full of braying dudes giving you marks out of ten, having to compete to be heard in a workshop of wannabe comedians, or being drilled in the art of corporate power-posing.
Support that is imaginative, creative, soulful and playful
A fully mind-and-body approach, that will help you access intuitive expression, get comfortable in your skin, and sidestep the stories in your head that hold you back
To be guided towards your own answers, not dictated someone else’s
The chance to open up alongside people dealing with similar struggles, and to be guided by someone who understands your story
An environment where it feels safe to be you, where you won’t be shamed and trained in the ways of Extroversion 101
To dig deep and create lasting shifts, not stopping at superficial power poses
To understand your introvert nature without being coddled in cotton wool or underestimated
Something that doesn’t require you to sit and discuss your problems in theory, but instead offers an active, embodied and social solution
No promises to become ‘fearless’ but instead to learn how to support your nervous system to expand your capacity to handle fear, discomfort and uncertainty
You’ll know that Unleash is right for you if you want:
Are you ready?
Erm — probably not!
We can get stuck when we believe we need to feel totally ready before giving something a try.
I suspect nobody ever feels totally ready to try something new, especially something right at the far edge of their comfort zone.
But maybe you’re just about ready enough?
Because the thing is: avoidance fuels anxiety. This is why social anxiety rocketed during the pandemic, when so many of us got out of practice.
So hiding away, waiting to feel better before you make a move, isn’t going to work.
(Annoying but true.)
Often we need something to get us rolling. A gentle, supportive guide to hold us through the process of turning towards the things that scare us. Once you get going, your confidence grows and grows — and then you’re onto the next adventure!
Games and drama? I dunno — it sounds kinda cringe.
Performing in the spotlight? Umm, that’s my worst nightmare!
All that time, money and attention on just little me?!
Got some questions or concerns like my friends up there? ;)
Perfect! Hopefully they’re answered here — but if not, please get in touch!
I get it. It was mine too.
Maybe you’ve done drama before and have good memories of it, but it’s been a while and you’re nervous.
Maybe you were forced to do it at school and still feel queasy about it.
Maybe you’ve always run a mile from drama but secretly know it’s the thing that could really help you grow.
Whatever’s the case, Gutsy does drama very differently.
In Unleash, I introduce everything very gently, and there are no lines to learn. It’s never about performing and judging. It will likely feel awkward and uncomfortable at times, but that’s exactly the spot you need to be in to grow. You will always have options.
Drama is an incredibly powerful way to build confidence in a way that’s fast and fun.
Then you’re absolutely in the right place. In fact, if you told me you’re fine in most social settings and love groups, I would say this programme isn’t right for you.
Unleash is for you if you feel anxious speaking up in groups, if your mind goes blank when you’re speaking to someone you don’t know well, if you dread certain social situations, are terrified of making mistakes, if you miss out on opportunities because you’re scared, and feel like there’s so much more inside of you that you wish you could express.
By working in a small, intentional group, you’ll experience being compassionately witnessed through acknowledgement, understanding and unconditional support.
Together, and with my guidance, you’ll co-create an environment where you feel safe enough to stretch.
Yep! It probably will be at times! And if this is an edge for you, then you will grow through the experience. And if it sounds frivolous, I promise it’s not.
If you’re neglecting and rejecting the child part of you, you’re crushing your capacity for play, fun, ease, connection, pleasure, rest, authenticity and joy.
I guarantee, Unleash will not turn you into some ‘love and light’, meadow-skipping, wholesome fun monster. But it might open up a little more space for that inner child and its boundless capacity for joy, rest, creativity and play.
Welcome! If we’ve never met or this will be your first taste of a programme like this, then this is a perfect introduction. You’ll always be working at your own pace and will never be pressured to participate if something feels like too much of a stretch.
If you’ve done a 2-hour taster with me, then this is a perfect next step.
If you did Spark (12-week programme), you’ll have covered this material before but we’ll be working with a different story in Unleash. If you’d like to revisit the experience and keep practicing, get in touch and we can chat through whether it feels like a good fit.
I will also be launching further 8-week courses soon that will be a step up: after Unleash will be Unfurl and then Outstretch!
Make sure you’re signed up to the mailing list to get all the details.
If you show up every week and give it a good try: yes. When you choose to engage instead of avoid, your social confidence will increase. As will your capacity to handle fear and discomfort and uncertainty.
It is actually avoidance that fuels anxiety; when we’re held through the process of turning towards the things that scare us, we’re set in motion and grow in confidence.
Unleash is specifically designed for people who are shy, socially anxious, extremely self-conscious or inhibited.
This was my own experience (you can read more about my story here) and I’ve watched many participants find their way through courses like this one. In every session, people are amazed at what they’re capable of. Every exercise is introduced gently, so you’re always building up gradually and never out of your depth. You’ll always be working at your own pace so you can opt out if you need to.
Absolutely. This is a very common experience. Not only will you build confidence in general, but you’ll also likely start to understand exactly what it is that feels difficult in some situations and not others.
Improv classes can be great! But even a beginner’s class can be quite demanding, and a lot of people who struggle with shyness or social anxiousness would find them overwhelming. It could even set you back if you dive in and feel over exposed.
I know and love the thrill of improv and how it can open up intuition and creativity in amazing ways. And if you feel ready to give it a try — go for it!
If not, I can show you how to work up to it so that you’re never dropping yourself in at the deep end and risking too much.
Unleash is built on a nuanced understanding of the specific needs of those who struggle with shyness and social anxiety, and offers a much more caring and in-depth therapeutic approach, and greater sense of connection with me and your fellow participants.
Talking therapy can be an amazing tool and absolutely has its place. But you will grow in confidence through action.
I use techniques that have worked for me – ones that incorporate creativity, active imagination, the body, movement and breath. Talk therapy always felt slow and restrictive to me. Discussing and analysing my behavioural patterns wasn’t what I wanted – I wanted to change them. I wanted to get more comfortable in my skin, learn to be seen and feel okay making mistakes. I couldn’t do that in a therapist’s office.
This is just my experience but maybe you feel similarly.
I don’t think any single approach is perfect and you might find a combination that really helps you. Unleash can help you feel more comfortable to be yourself and open up in honest and authentic ways, which can open the door to engaging in all sorts of other inner work in the future.
Public speaking classes, assertiveness training, or throwing yourself into social events might be too much. In the process, you could be gathering more and more stressful experiences, and giving yourself more and more evidence that this stuff is hard. We need to practice feeling safe and more comfortable when we do these things, not just doing them over and over and feeling terrible. And you don’t get that kind of nuanced, nervous-system informed approach in the average public speaking training.
Also, any techniques, social skills or assertiveness hacks that are meant to be applied in the moment are also essentially useless because they don’t take into account how fear affects the body and brain. When your brain perceives danger, it simply will not have access to the kinds of memory and cognitive processing that’s required to recall and enact ‘tips and tricks’. They sound great in theory but they rarely work in practice.
I could tell you that you’re absolutely worth it. But if you asked this question then my words on this page will likely not make much of a dent in this story you’re telling yourself. I know, because I felt this way before and it held me back from getting help for so long.
I know that so many of us have been taught that self-care is selfish. If that is you, you might start by asking who taught you that? Where did that story come from? And, perhaps, what feels scary about putting yourself first occasionally?
I know that this world is full of suffering and inequality. And if you feel called to spend your resources on alleviating that, I think that’s a beautiful thing. And I also know that the activists, carers and fighters of this world know you can’t pour from an empty cup.
And I also know that I am a kinder, more loving, more impactful, more generous person because I dared to be a little selfish and invest in myself. The attention and care we allow ourselves really does ripple outwards.
Some things change in a day, others take years.
I often compare it to building muscle. You’re not going to get buff overnight, but in a few committed weeks you’ll start to notice changes and growth. You’ll hold yourself differently, move more easily, feel more confident with each step. You’ll be buzzing with intention, enthusiasm and new energy. You’ll have a sense of pride, satisfaction and achievement. You’ll have proven to yourself that change is possible and opened up the way to something new.
And, often, seeds are sown that grow in their own time and bloom long after the end of the course.
The growth you’ll experience will also open up doors to even more expansion in the future, because when you get more comfortable in groups, and build capacity to be seen and heard and share more of yourself, the world opens up in unforeseen ways.
That might be talking more honestly with friends and taking up more space in conversations, or joining a choir, a class or a community group, or engaging in any number of other therapeutic approaches or healing modalities. Or getting out there, having fun, making friends, learning about yourself, and having transformative, initiatory, expansive experiences — aka adventures!
Still here, huh? :)
I’m guessing if you got this far down the page you’re someone who likes to dig into the detail and understand something fully before making a decision.
Often I am that person too ;) And I also know that sometimes it can be good to challenge that ‘eternal information-gathering’ and ‘preparing for all possible eventualities’ behaviour!
So, how about leaving this page and going for a walk and letting it all settle.
Take some time to be still and listen to yourself: free write, journal, doodle, listen to a song you love. Or talk it through with someone you trust. And sleep on it.
And if you have questions or want to chat about anything with me, drop me a note here or book a free call. No question too big or small, no hesitation too weird, no concern will concern me. I’d love to hear from you.